The Excitement of Event #MAKARIZOSchooltoSchool PART II: #EasyStraightDIYWorkshop Do-It-YourSelf Hair Straightening at SMKN 57 Jakarta!
Not just a workshop on Hair Care Routines, #MakarizoSchoolToSchool’s excitement continued on the second day. Audiences at SMKN 57 Jakarta were invited to DIY Hair Make over & hair straighten demo with Makarizo Hair Energy product “#EasyStraight.”
After following some selection process like checking their type of hair and the reason to do a hair make over” held by MAKARIZO on the first day, five students were selected. With high enthusiasm, the students got a deeper explanation about #EasyStraight Makarizo Hair Energy products, as well as step by step on how to use #EasyStraight. Interestingly, participants can simultaneously apply #EasyStraight together with the Makarizo Team and Makarizo hair educator who guided the participants during the hair straightening process.
Starting with washing hair using shampoo from Makarizo Hair Energy with Kiwi variant, then the students dried their hair and apply Makarizo Hair Energy #EasyStraight, their lates straightening product. For those of you who want to try #EasyStraight, there’s no need to worry because this product is easy to use, Halal-certificated, and definitely safe because it is completed with a comprehensive tutorial on the packaging.
Finally after the application of #EasyStraight step 1 and step 2 was finished, the long-awaited moment arrived! The participants seemed very happy with the results of the hair straightening they did together. They couldn’t deny that they are very pleased with the results. Their hair is naturally straight, smooth and manageable. All students so excited and satisfied about the #EasyStraightDIYWorkshop event!
One of participant named Azzahra said “I am very happy to join #EasyStraightDIYworkshop. The results were really good, before that my hair is wavy and then it was so straight, smell so good, and then it was very soft.”
Those of you who want to know about the excitement of #MAKARIZOSchoolToSchool events, you can follow Instagram @Makarizo.hairenergy and watch the excitement videos on the Makarizo Hair Energy Youtube channel. See you on the next #MakarizoSchooltoSchool, gengs!