Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders Thursday, 20 Oktober 2016
PT. Akasha Wira International, Tbk convened an Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders in its office at Perkantoran Hijau Arkadia Tower C, 15th Floor, on the 20th October 2016. The Meeting was conducted in respect to the resignation of Bapak Martin Jimi from the Company. The Meeting has agreed to appoint Bapak Wihardjo Hadiseputro as new President Director of the Company to replace Bapak Martin Jimi effective as of the closing of the Meeting. With the appointment the Company’s Board of Directors composition will be :
Bapak Wihardjo Hadiseputro, as President Director
Bapak Ari Wisnubroto, as Director
Bapak Wisnu Adjie, as Independent Director.