(Rp juta) | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019* | 2018 | (Rp million) |
Penjualan bersih | 1,525,445 | 1.290.992 | 935.075 | 673.364 | 764.703 | 804.302 | Net Sales |
Beban Pokok Penjualan | (714,509) | (620.240) | (435.507) | (330,799) | (417,281) | (415,212) | Cost of Goods Sold |
Laba Kotor | 810,936 | 670.752 | 499.568 | 342.565 | 347.422 | 389.090 | Gross Profit |
Beban Usaha | (326,243) | (218.215) | (171.347) | (166.137) | (218.733) | (305.420) | Operating Expense |
Laba usaha | 484,693 | 452.537 | 328.221 | 176.428 | 128.689 | 83.670 | Operating Income |
Penghasilan (beban) lain-lain, bersih | 18,971 | 11.771 | 9.607 | (8.509) | (18.510) | (13,609) | Other Income - Net |
Laba sebelum pajak penghasilan | 503,664 | 464.308 | 337.828 | 167.919 | 110.179 | 70.060 | Income Before Income Tax |
Laba Bersih | 395,798 | 364.972 | 265.758 | 135.789 | 83.885 | 52.958 | Net Income |
Laba Bersih yang dapat | 395,798 | 364.972 | 265.758 | 135.789 | 83.885 | 52.958 | Net Income Attributable to Parent Entity |
Laba Bersih yang dapat diatribusikan ke kepentingan non pengendali | - | - | - | - | Net Income Attributable to Non Controlling Interest |
Jumlah Laba Komprehensif | 394,972 | 365.019 | 269.309 | 135.765 | 86.023 | 58.903 | Total Comprehensive Income For The year |
Laba Komprehensif yang dapat diatribusikan ke entitas induk | 394,972 | 365.019 | 269.309 | 135.765 | 86.023 | 58.903 | Comprehensive Income Attributable to Parent Entit |
Laba Komprehensif yang dapat diatribusikan ke kepentingan non-pengendali | - | - | - | - | Comprehensive Income Attributable to Non Controlling Interest |
Jumlah saham beredar | 589,896,800 | 589.896.800 | 589.896.800 | 589.896.800 | 589.896.800 | 589.896.800 | Number of Outstanding shares (full amount) |
Laba Bersih per saham | 671 | 619 | 451 | 230 | 142 | 90 | Net Income per share |
Modal kerja bersih | 931,296 | 560.600 | 405.027 | 361.680 | 175.929 | 101.741 | Net Working Capital |
Aset Lancar | 1,230,110 | 815.319 | 673.394 | 545.239 | 351.120 | 364.138 | Current Assets |
Aset Tetap - Bersih | 745,409 | 708.363 | 503.588 | 351.626 | 405.448 | 447.249 | Fixed Assets - Net |
Aset Tidak Lancar Lain | 109,663 | 121.900 | 127.126 | 61.926 | 65.807 | 69.888 | Other Non-Current Assets |
Jumlah Aset | 2,085,182 | 1.645.582 | 1.304.108 | 958.791 | 822.375 | 881.274 | Total Assets |
Liabilitas Jangka Pendek | 298,814 | 254.719 | 268.367 | 183.559 | 175.191 | 262.396 | Current Liabilities |
Liabilitas Pajak Tangguhan - Bersih | 17,652 | 19.995 | 21.999 | 20.762 | 25.819 | 18.563 | Deferred Tax Liabilities - Net |
Liabilitas Jangka Panjang Lain | 38,908 | 36.032 | 43.925 | 53.962 | 53.428 | 118.400 | Other Non-Current Liabilities |
Jumlah Liabilitas | 355,374 | 310.746 | 334.291 | 258.283 | 254.438 | 399.360 | Total Liabilities |
Jumlah Ekuitas | 1,729,808 | 1.334.836 | 969.817 | 700.508 | 567.937 | 481.914 | Total Equity |
Rasio-rasio | Key Ratios |
Laba Bersih terhadap Jumlah Aset | 19% | 22% | 20% | 14% | 10% | 6% | Net Income to Total Assets |
Laba Bersih terhadap Jumlah Ekuitas | 23% | 27% | 27% | 19% | 15% | 11% | Net Income to Total Equity |
Rasio Lancar | 4.12 | 3,20 | 2,51 | 2,97 | 2,00 | 1,39 | Current Ratio |
Jumlah Liabilitas terhadap | 0.21 | 0,23 | 0,34 | 0,37 | 0,45 | 0,83 | Total Liabilities to Total Equity |
Jumlah Liabilitas terhadap | 0.17 | 0,19 | 0,26 | 0,27 | 0,31 | 0,45 | Total Liabilities to Total Assets |
Laba Kotor terhadap Penjualan Bersih | 53% | 52% | 53% | 51% | 45% | 48% | Gross Profit to Net Sales |
Laba Usaha terhadap Penjualan Bersih | 32% | 35% | 35% | 26% | 17% | 10% | Operating Income to Net Sales |
Laba Bersih terhadap Penjualan Bersih | 26% | 28% | 28% | 20% | 11% | 7% | Net Income to Net Sales |
*) Disajikan kembali / Restated